Abstract—As the title says, this paper is focused on the
Czech-Polish border and economically active population in
these regions. Aim of this paper is to evaluate the potential of
the labor market and its development in selected regions of the
Czech Republic and Poland. It contains an analysis of border
regions from a broader perspective. These are regions at NUTS
II level, which are along the Czech-Polish border. It is a region
Severovýchod, Střední Morava and Moravskoslezsko (Czech
Republic) and region of Voivodship Dolnoslezskie, Opolskie and
Slezskie (Poland). These are countries that receive maximum
support from the European Union for cross-border cooperation.
These are countries located in the heart of Europe. These are
countries that have a very high potential in all economic, social,
transport and other areas, mainly because of the location in the
center of Europe.
Index Terms—Czech-Polish border, economic active rate,
employment rate.
The authors are with the Department of Economics, School of Business
Administration, Silesian University, 73340, Czech Republic (e-mail:
gajdova@opf.slu.cz, tuleja@opf.slu.cz).
Cite: Karin Gajdová and Pavel Tuleja, "Analysis of the Economically Active Population in the Czech-Polish Border Regions," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 237-241, 2015.