Manuscript received September 4, 2024; revised September 25, 2024; accepted November 18, 2024; published February 17, 2025
Abstract—The global COVID-19 epidemic has had a considerable influence on the educational sector, leading to a shift away from traditional education and toward e-learning education. This change has made it more difficult for students to adopt modern technologies, such as e-learning systems. The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of technological attributes on the usefulness and acceptance of e-learning systems among Jordanian students. A conveniencesample of 343 questionnaires was distributed to Jordanianprivate university students and evaluated using a five-pointLikert scale. The descriptive statistics and sub-hypotheses wereexamined with SPSS regression analysis. The main hypotheseswere evaluated using SEM in AMOS. The study found thattechnology attributes significantly impact the perceivedusefulness and acceptance of e-learning systems, both jointlyand separately. Acceptance of e-learning systems has beenpositively impacted by perceived usefulness. Moreover, it foundthat acceptance of e-learning systems has been positivelyimpacted by technology attributes via usefulness. The studysuggested that universities and educational institutions addressthese attributes to improve students’ perceived usefulness andacceptability of e-learning technologies.
Keywords—technology attributes, perceived usefulness, technology acceptance, e-learning systems, higher education
Cite: Jamal M. M. Joudeh, Fandi Omeish, Omar N. Badran, Nabil A. Abu-Loghod, Abd Al-Salam A. Al-Hamad, and Ahmad M. Zamil, "Exploring the Impact of Technology Attributes on Usefulness and Acceptance of Technology: A Study on e-University Learning Systems," International Journal of Information and Education Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 408-418, 2025.