Manuscript received October 24, 2024; revised November 14, 2024; accepted November 18, 2024; published February 17, 2025
Abstract—The need to prove the effectiveness of More or No More as a contextualized game-based pedagogy in teaching social science was the reason why this study was conducted. This study tried to assess its effectiveness through the use of a two group quasi-experimental research, specifically the pretest-posttest design to both the experimental and the control group. It was observed that before the intervention took place, both groups from grade 7 to 10 demonstrated comparable comprehension levels, indicating no group is superior than the other based on the pretest result. However, in the posttest result, consistently, the groups with an intervention of More or No More pedagogy performed better as compared with the groups with an intervention of the traditional pedagogy. Moreover, the learners who were taught using the More or No More pedagogy have performed above 50% out of the total gain they could have demonstrated from the experimentation as compared to the group taught using traditional pedagogy which obtained 50% gain. Using the t-test, it was affirmed that there is no significant difference on the pretest of both groups while there is a significant difference on the posttest of the same groups. Furthermore, it was strengthened that there is a significant difference on the learning gains of both groups, which proves the effectiveness of More or No More in improving the performance of the students in social science.
Keywords—effectiveness, pedagogy, more or no more, contextualized, social science, teaching, education
Cite: Virgilio P. Rapada Jr., "“More or No More”: Its Effectiveness as a Contextualized Game-Based Pedagogy in Improving Learners’ Performance in Social Science," International Journal of Information and Education Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 382-390, 2025.