Manuscript received September 12, 2024; revised October 8, 2024; accepted December 19, 2024; published February 11, 2025
Abstract—In the 21st century, the success of a country depends on ideas and the ability to build a scientific and innovative society. Essentially, the enhancement of teaching aids is as important as the development and innovation in the education field. Therefore, this study aims to build a Bvee Kit for Form 2 mathematics circle topics that exhibits satisfactory validity and usability. Through the combination of the first letter of the circle and the researcher’s nickname, the name Kit Bvee was born. This study uses a Developmental Research Design (DRD) involving the use of the ADDIE instruction model. The instrument used is a validity questionnaire instrument evaluated by 4 experts consisting of lecturers and mathematics teachers with experience in the mathematics field for more than five years, as well as a usability questionnaire instrument using a four-point Likert scale. The sample for the usability of the kit consists of 81 UPSIBatchA202 mathematics trainee teachers. The analyzed data used is the Content Validity Index (CVI) to assess validity, reliability using Cronbach’s alpha value, and usability analyzed using SPSS Version 29 software in a descriptive analysis to obtain the mean value and standard deviation. The findings of the study revealed a kit validity with an average CVI value of 1.00, an acceptable reliability value of 0.914, and a high level of usability based on a value mean of 3.773 and a standard deviation of 0.3753. This shows that the developed Bvee Kit has a satisfactory level of validity and usability. In conclusion, this study is able to help students to remember the various parts and properties of a circle in an easier way.
Keywords—teaching kit, circle topic, content validity index
Cite: Veronica Joseph, Shazlyn Milleana Shaharudin, Norzila Abd Hamid, and Noorazrin Abdul Rajak, "Development and Evaluation of the Bvee Kit for Teaching Circle Topics: A Validity and Usability Study in Form 2 Mathematics," International Journal of Information and Education Technology, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 230-235, 2025.