International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)

IJIET 2024 Vol.14(11): 1506-1515
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2024.14.11.2181

Incorporating Mobile Platforms into Self-Regulated Writing Activities to Promote Students’ Performance, Writing Quality, and Perceptions

Ratnawati Ratnawati1,2,*, Nur Mukminatien1, Yazid Basthomi1,3, and Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi1
1. Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
2. English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Galuh, Ciamis, Indonesia
3. Faculty of Languages and Communications, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
Email: (R.R.), (N.M.), (Y.B.), (E.D.L.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received March 25, 2024; revised April 8, 2024; accepted June 4, 2024; published November 12, 2024

Abstract—Self-Regulated Writing Activities (SRWA) are well reckoned for professional, pedagogical, and practical contributions to classroom practices. Collaborative writing as one stage of these instructional designs has not received significant attention, and the implementation of Mobile Platforms-Based Collaborative Writing (MMCW) should be investigated further for its urgency in language learning. Therefore, the current study examines the impact of MMCW incorporation into SRWA to promote students’ performance, delving into the students’ writing quality after classroom intervention and exploring students’ perception of using mobile platforms in SRWA. The study employed a mixed method, which consisted of quantitative research, one group pre- and post-test experimental design and semi-structured interviews for qualitative research, which involved twenty students from a private university in Indonesia. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to analyze the tests, document analysis to writing quality, and thematic analysis to interview. The results show an impressive difference in students’ writing from the pre-test to the post-test. The increase in students’ writing quality is demonstrated in linguistic diversity, mechanical details, development of ideas, writing formation, and language use. Moreover, students positively perceive implementing mobile platforms into self-regulated writing activities. The implications and recommendations of the study are also discussed.

Keywords—academic writing, collaborative learning, mobile learning, self-regulated learning


Cite: Ratnawati Ratnawati, Nur Mukminatien, Yazid Basthomi, and Ekaning Dewanti Laksmi, "Incorporating Mobile Platforms into Self-Regulated Writing Activities to Promote Students’ Performance, Writing Quality, and Perceptions," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 1506-1515, 2024.

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