Manuscript received November 21, 2023; revised December 28, 2023; accepted January 17, 2024; published September 12, 2024
Abstract—Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) are effective tools for cultivating highly qualified and competent teachers. The current study aims to explore how a PLE Web 2.0 based on the e-me educational platform can be used to develop competencies of higher education teachers. The study participants were 120 teachers from six faculties of Ahmet Yesevi University (Turkistan, Kazakhstan). The main research tool used was the High-Quality Teacher Competencies Questionnaire (HQTCQ). The PLE-based training allowed teachers with 3–9 years of experience (Group A) and 10–20 years of experience (Group B) to improve several competencies, including personal qualities, pedagogical goal setting, student motivation, information competence, development of educational programs and materials, and organization of pedagogical activities. Group C participants with 20+ years of experience became more competent in motivating students and organizing teaching activities. Thus, the conducted training had the greatest impact on less experienced teachers. The research findings have practical implications, as they highlight the potential for improving teacher competencies through personal learning environments. The study findings also emphasize that educational institutions can implement similar PLE interventions to improve the competence of their teaching staff.
Keywords—competencies, personal learning environments, educational platform, student motivation, pedagogical activities
Cite: Gani Issayev, Zhanat Yergubekova, and Sattibay Aitbayev, "Web 2.0 Personal Learning Environments for Development University Teacher Competencies," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1208-1216, 2024.