IJIET 2024 Vol.14(6): 883-889
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2024.14.6.2114
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2024.14.6.2114
Effect of Digital Storytelling on Secondary School Students’ Self-Efficacy in Civic Education
Celestine Unoh Nkanu1,*, Uche Donatus Asogwa2, Anthony Etta Bisong1, John Eteng Imoke1,
Abigail Aniefiok
Ekpo-Eloma Ekpo1, Oyobo-Gladys Tom Abam3, Etta Idaka Idaka3, Charles Edet Kingsley3, Flora
Michael Monity3, , Francis Akpo Akpo1, Emmanuel Bessong Bessong4, David Francis Ekpoto5, and Paul Ingiona Adie1
1. Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
2. Department of Arts Education, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu, Nigeria
3. Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
4. Department of Vocational and Continuous Education, Faculty of Vocational and Science Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
5. Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Email: unoh@unical.edu.ng (C.U.N.); uche.asogwa@unn.edu.ng (U.D.A.); anthonyettabising@unical.edu.ng (A.E.B.); imokeeteng6@gmail.com (J.E.I.); abianiefiok@unical.edu.ng (A.A.E.); joneseloma@gmail.com (E.-E.E.); gladystom98@gmail.com (O-G.T.A.); ettaidaka2@gmail.com (E.I.I.); kingsmeadow2003@gmail.com (C.E.K.); monityflora@gmail.com (F.M.M.); akpoprince40@gmail.com (F.A.A.); bessongbessong6@gmail.com (E.B.B.); dfekpoto@unical.edu.ng (D.F.E.); pauladie@unical.edu.ng (P.I.A.)
*Corresponding author
2. Department of Arts Education, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu, Nigeria
3. Department of Curriculum and Teaching, Faculty of Educational Foundation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
4. Department of Vocational and Continuous Education, Faculty of Vocational and Science Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
5. Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Arts and Social Science Education, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Email: unoh@unical.edu.ng (C.U.N.); uche.asogwa@unn.edu.ng (U.D.A.); anthonyettabising@unical.edu.ng (A.E.B.); imokeeteng6@gmail.com (J.E.I.); abianiefiok@unical.edu.ng (A.A.E.); joneseloma@gmail.com (E.-E.E.); gladystom98@gmail.com (O-G.T.A.); ettaidaka2@gmail.com (E.I.I.); kingsmeadow2003@gmail.com (C.E.K.); monityflora@gmail.com (F.M.M.); akpoprince40@gmail.com (F.A.A.); bessongbessong6@gmail.com (E.B.B.); dfekpoto@unical.edu.ng (D.F.E.); pauladie@unical.edu.ng (P.I.A.)
*Corresponding author
Manuscript received September 6, 2023; revised September 28, 2023; accepted December 18, 2023; published June 21, 2024
Abstract—Over time, excessive dependence on traditional storytelling as a teaching technique can reduce the self-efficacy of most students, making them easy targets for drug abuse and trafficking. The digital storytelling technique depicts a range of possibilities for reversing the negative trend in the society today. The study examined the impact of a digital storytelling strategy on the self-efficacy of students in Civic Education. One research question and one corresponding hypothesis was generated for this study. The study employed a quasi-experimental design and the sample consisted of 183 students drown from four secondary schools using purposive and simple random sampling technique. Civic Education Self-Efficacy Questionnaire was used to gather data. The instrument’s reliability coefficient was 0.80, using the Cronbach Alpha. The mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question, while the hypothesis was tested using Analysis of Covariance at 0.05 level of significance. The study showed that Digital Storytelling strategy had significant effect on students’ self-efficacy in Civic Education than the conventional storytelling strategy. Based on the findings, it was the recommended that students should be encouraged to participate actively during learning activities that incorporate the use of digital storytelling strategy to improve students’ creative and critical thinking abilities. Civic Education teachers should be encouraged to adopt the digital storytelling instructional strategy when teaching civic education.
Keywords—digital storytelling, self-efficacy, civic education, drug trafficking, school students
Copyright © 2024 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).
Keywords—digital storytelling, self-efficacy, civic education, drug trafficking, school students
Cite: Celestine Unoh Nkanu, Uche Donatus Asogwa, Anthony Etta Bisong, John Eteng Imoke, Abigail Aniefiok Effiong, Ekpo-Eloma Ekpo, Oyobo-Gladys Tom Abam, Etta Idaka Idaka, Charles Edet Kingsley, Flora Michael Monity, Francis Akpo Akpo, Emmanuel Bessong Bessong, David Francis Ekpoto, and Paul Ingiona Adie, "Effect of Digital Storytelling on Secondary School Students’ Self-Efficacy in Civic Education," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 883-889, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).