IJIET 2024 Vol.14(1): 92-98
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2024.14.1.2028
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2024.14.1.2028
Use of the Naive Bayes Classifier Algorithm in Machine Learning for Student Performance Prediction
Venera Nakhipova1, Yerzhan Kerimbekov1, Zhanat Umarova2,*, Laura Suleimenova1,
Saule Botayeva3,
Almira Ibashova1, and
Nurlybek Zhumatayev4
1. Department of Computer Science, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
2. Department of Information Systems and Modeling, Auezov University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
3. Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Tashenev University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
4. Department of Computer Engineering and Software, Auezov University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
E-mail: nakhipovavenera@mail.ru (V.N.); kerimbekov.yerzhan@okmpu.kz (Y.K.); Zhanat-u@mail.ru (Z.U.); Laurasuleimenova7174@gmail.com (L.S.); saule_bb@mail.ru (S.B.); almira_i@mail.ru (A.I.); nuralmiras@mail.ru (N.Z.)
*Corresponding author
2. Department of Information Systems and Modeling, Auezov University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
3. Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Tashenev University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
4. Department of Computer Engineering and Software, Auezov University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
E-mail: nakhipovavenera@mail.ru (V.N.); kerimbekov.yerzhan@okmpu.kz (Y.K.); Zhanat-u@mail.ru (Z.U.); Laurasuleimenova7174@gmail.com (L.S.); saule_bb@mail.ru (S.B.); almira_i@mail.ru (A.I.); nuralmiras@mail.ru (N.Z.)
*Corresponding author
Manuscript received June 21, 2023; revised August 16, 2023; accepted October 23, 2023; published January 23, 2024
Abstract—This study focused on the development and analysis of a methodological platform grounded in machine learning principles for evaluating learning processes and enhancing student outcomes. The aim of this research was to develop and test a method for evaluating students’ academic performance based on the Naive Bayes classifier. Also, an objective of this study was to create an efficient tool capable of automating and optimize the assessment of educational performance using contemporary machine learning methods and technologies. The study employed the Naive Bayes analysis technique to predict student achievements, with the algorithm being implemented in Python. Despite an emphasis on the development of a software product, the research primarily focused on the development and analysis of the method. Our findings underscore the novelty of this approach, which can serve as a valuable tool for educational institutions and educators.
Keywords—machine learning, intelligent systems, naive bayes method, Educational Data Analysis (EDM), productivity, academic performance forecasting
Copyright © 2024 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).
Keywords—machine learning, intelligent systems, naive bayes method, Educational Data Analysis (EDM), productivity, academic performance forecasting
Cite: Venera Nakhipova, Yerzhan Kerimbekov, Zhanat Umarova, Laura Suleimenova, Saule Botayeva, Almira Ibashova, and Nurlybek Zhumatayev, "Use of the Naive Bayes Classifier Algorithm in Machine Learning for Student Performance Prediction," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 92-98, 2024.
Copyright © 2024 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).