International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)


Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is about using computer intelligence to help teachers and students and make the education system much better and more effective. AI in Education is developing new solutions for teaching and learning in different situations. The potential of AI for education and learning and the role of education in developing AI literacy, have also received increased attention.

The proposed topic collection aims to understand how artificial intelligence enables innovation in education and teaching, changes educational practices, and how major stakeholders in the education industry (i.e. students, teachers, teachers, and families) view this continuous change. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:

Intelligent Tutoring Systems
►Adaptive learning environments
►Personalized Learning
►Automated Grading
►Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
►Predictive Analytics
►Intelligent techniques for objective and integrated students evaluation in TEL
►Teachers' competencies for effective integration of AI into Education
►Teachers’ perceptions of AI: prejudices and attitudes

Make a new submission to the Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education section.

List of Publications


Ashurali Mirzayev Bakhtiyor Ugli, Siti Soraya Lin Abdullah Kamal, and Axundjanova Moxira Azamovna

Exploring the Effects of Using Automatic Speech Recognition on EFL University Students with High Speaking Anxiety
Wenyi Li, Maslawati Mohamad, and Huay Woon You

Oumaima Tafhi, Khalid El Khattabi, Mohammed Lamrabet, Fatima Ouzennou, and Ahmida Chikhaoui

Generative AI-Created Digital Influencers to Be University Goodwill Ambassadors
Vipusit Piankarnka, Prachyanun Nilsook, and Panita Wannapiroon


Mary Joy P. Canon, Lany L. Maceda, Thelma D. Palaoag, and Mideth B. Abisado

Wawan Kurniawan, Cicyn Riantoni, Neneng Lestari, and Doni Ropawandi

Fan Yang, Kangxi Li, and Ruilin Li

Najoua Hrich, Mohamed Azekri, and Mohamed Khaldi

Muhammad Turmuzi, I Gusti Putu Suharta, I Wayan Puja Astawa, and I Nengah Suparta

Hassan Abuhassna, Fareed Awae, Mohamad A. B. M. Adnan, Mahyudin Daud, and Abdulla S. B. Almheiri

Omar Boubker, Hayat Ben-Saghroune, Jaouad El bourassi, Mohammed Abdessadek, and Rachid Sabbahi

Mohamed Timmi, Loubna Laaouina, Adil Jeghal, Said El Garouani, and Ali Yahyaouy

Azman Che Mat, Luqmanul Hakim Zulkornain, and Nurul Ajleea Abdul Rahman

Nursaid, Bima Mhd Ghaluh, Yenni Hayati, Muhammad Ismail Nasution, Ayu Gustia Ningsih, Ella Wulandari, and Anggi Trinanda Harahap

