Topic: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is about using computer intelligence to help teachers and students and make the education system much better and more effective. AI in Education is developing new solutions for teaching and learning in different situations. The potential of AI for education and learning and the role of education in developing AI literacy, have also received increased attention.
The proposed topic collection aims to understand how artificial intelligence enables innovation in education and teaching, changes educational practices, and how major stakeholders in the education industry (i.e. students, teachers, teachers, and families) view this continuous change. Relevant topics include but are not limited to:
►Intelligent Tutoring Systems
►Adaptive learning environments
►Personalized Learning
►Automated Grading
►Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
►Predictive Analytics
►Intelligent techniques for objective and integrated students evaluation in TEL
►Teachers' competencies for effective integration of AI into Education
►Teachers’ perceptions of AI: prejudices and attitudes
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List of Publications
Leveraging AI-Powered Tools in Academic Writing and Research: Insights from English Faculty Members in Indonesia
Understanding Uzbekistan University EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of ChatGPT: From Benefits to Ethical Challenges
Exploring the Effects of Using Automatic Speech Recognition on EFL University Students with High Speaking Anxiety
Generative AI-Created Digital Influencers to Be University Goodwill Ambassadors
AI-Based Tools: Exploring the Perceptions and Knowledge of Moroccan Future Teachers Regarding AI in the Initial Training—A Case Study
Optimizing Social and Emotional Learning through Modified Gale-Shapley Algorithm for Collaborative and Competitive Education
Implementing Genetic Algorithm-Based Expert Systems to Enhance Academic Career Planning
Enhancing Educational Assessments: Score Regeneration through Post-Item Analysis with Artificial Intelligence
Unlocking the Future of Learning: Assessing Students’ Awareness and Usage of AI Tools
ChatGPT’s Role in the Education System: Insights from the Future Secondary Teachers
A Fine-Tuned Distilled Zero-Shot Student Model for Emotion Detection in Academic-Related Responses
Automated Writing Evaluation: Users’ Perception and Expectations