Topic: Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education
In the last few years, Virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) have rapidly increased their popularity. AR/VR solutions can enhance classroom experiences and expand opportunities at all levels of learning. As a result, their use in educational environments has been a topic of interest in academic education. However, both virtual reality and augmented reality are not yet widely used in higher education.
This topical collection will introduce the technology of augmented reality (AR) and its possibilities for education and provide a model for the development of integrated learning objects based on the VR and AR approach where VR and AR objects could be integrated into other educational content as learning objects by creating integrated learning programs, learning scenarios.
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List of Publications
International Virtual Communities of Practice (I-VCoP) with Immersive Learning Ecosystem for Enhancing Critical Communication Skills in Multicultural SocietyWera Supa, Sayam Kamkhuntod, Naphong Wannapiroon, Panita Wannapiroon, Charinthorn Aumgri, and Siwaporn Linthaluek
Analysis of an Immersive Virtual Environment in Education: Perceptions of Usability, Functionality, Interactivity, and Educational Impact Across Genders
Benjamín Maraza-Quispe, Manuel Alfredo Alcázar-Holguin, and Walter Choquehuanca-Quispe
Augmented Reality with A Cognitive Conflict Model and STEM Integration on Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation: Does Practicing Practical Learning Support Scientific Literacy?
Fatni Mufit, Wahyuni Satria Dewi, Selma Riyasni, and Muhammad Dhanil
How Effective Is Immersive AR Continental Food Course for Vocational Education? Analyzing Knowledge Gains and Learning Outcome Effects
Ika Parma Dewi, Lise Asnur, Rizkayeni Marta, Doni Tri Putra Yanto, Muhammad Dhanil, Erni Marlina Saari, and Siti Khadijah Ali
Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Enhanced Intervention Model Using Augmented Reality Approach: A Structural Equation ModelingMohamad Suhaimi Ramli and Norsuhaily Abu Bakar
Immersive Living Museum with Augmented Reality Technology, integrated Traditional Art and Digital Art to Enhance Historical Knowledge and Learning Attraction
Sorrachai Shawarangkoon, Atis Kucharoenthavorn, Naphong Wannapiroon, Chatchada Chawarangkoon, Siwaporn Linthaluek, and Panita Wannapiroon
FizaAR: An Augmented Reality Learning Kit Integrating Social Cognitive Theory in Learning Physics
Siti Nurqualbiah Mat Karim, Aidah Abdul Karim, and Intan Farahana Kamsin
E-Worksheets with Augmented Reality Technology in Laboratory Learning: Examining Their Effectiveness on Students’ Learning Performance
Oriza Candra, Doni Tri Putra Yanto, Hastuti, Jelpapo Putra Yanto, Juli Sardi, Merita Yanita, Hermi Zaswita, and Maryatun Kabatiah
Leveraging Augmented Reality to Cultivate Higher-Order Thinking Skills and Enhance Students’ Academic Performance
Muhammad Anwar, Yuni Rahmawati, Nurhening Yuniarti, Hendra Hidayat, and Elsa Sabrina
Integrating Traditional Musical Instrument into Mobile Augmented Reality: The Effect on Creative Thinking and Attitudes in Science Learning
Anggi Datiatur Rahmat, Heru Kuswanto, Insih Wilujeng, Duden Saepuzaman, and Anis Nazihah Mat Daud
Influence of Technology Readiness and Flow Theory toward the Acceptance of Augmented Reality among Students in Private University in Jakarta, Indonesia
Budi Arifitama and Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman
Exploring College of Education Students’ Perceptions of the Educational Uses of Virtual Reality (VR) Technologies
Budour M. Almisad, Ayda A. Aleidan, and Rabab D. Alsaffar
Enhancing Geometry Teaching in STEAM Education with Interactive Learning Environments
Makpal Dildabayeva and Lyazzat Zhaydakbayeva
Effectiveness of Augmented Reality with Cognitive Conflict Model to Improve Scientific Literacy of Static Fluid Material
Fatni Mufit and Muhammad Dhanil
Effects of Developing an Interactive AR Plant Structure Experiment System for Elementary Natural Science Course
Zih-Jie Jhuang, Yi-Chun Lin, and Yen-Ting Lin
Innovative Laboratory Learning: A Study Evaluating the Practicality of Integrated E-Worksheets with Augmented Reality in Electrical Machines Course
Doni Tri Putra Yanto, Ganefri, Sukardi, Jelpapo Putra Yanto, Agariadne Dwinggo Samala, Ika Parma Dewi, Rozalita Kurani, Herlin Setiawan, and Maryatun Kabatiah
Developing MoAR-Integrated Printed Learning Modules to Improve Mathematical Problem-Solving Abilities in Geometry Learning
Arif Rahman Hakim, Kartono, Wardono, and Adi Nur Cahyono
Design and Evaluation of Maliki V-Lab: A Metaverse-Based Virtual Laboratory for Computer Assembly Learning in Higher Education
Ahmad Fahmi Karami, Hani Nurhayati, and Yunifa Miftachul Arif
The Effect of Augmented Reality (AR) Supported Teaching Activities on Academic Success and Motivation to Learn Nuclear Physics among High School Pupils
Beken Arymbekov, Kunduz Turekhanova, and Mussa Turdalyuly
Exploring the Virtual Frontier: The Impact of Virtual Reality on Undergraduate Biology Education at the American University in Dubai
Muriel T. Zaatar, Niveen Masri, Mounir Alfahel, Gaelle Antar, Aryaman Dayal, Hiba Khamis, Muhammed Kuruvani, and Georges Kachaamy
Development of E-Book Integrated Augmented Reality Based on STEM Approaches to Improve Critical Thinking and Multiple Representation Skills in Learning Physics
Fadillah Rahmayani, Heru Kuswanto, and Anggi Datiatur Rahmat
Augmented Reality as a Tool for Enhancing Metacognitive Knowledge in Chemistry
Sherryl M. Montalbo
The Development of Virtual Food Simulation (VIFO) Media as a Realization of 21st Century Learning Demands
Eka Putri Azrai, Muhammad Japar, Robinson Situmorang, Ratna Dewi Wulaningsih, and Muhammad Bayu Rifqi
The Current State of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Adoption in Vietnamese Education: A Teacher’s Perspective on Teaching Natural Sciences
Vu Thi Thu Hoai, Pham Ngoc Son, Nguyen Mau Duc, Ta Thi Thao, Pham Thi Kim Giang, Pham Tien Huu, Nguyen Thi Kim Thuong, and Pham Gia Bach
Integration of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Engineering Mechanics Learning with Interacting 3D Objects in Engineering Education
Waskito, Aprilla Fortuna, Febri Prasetya, Rizky Ema Wulansari, Rahmat Azis Nabawi, and Afdal Luthfi
Exploring the Potential of Metaverse-Based Platforms for Enhancing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Learning: A Comprehensive Systematic Review
Yuliang Jiao, Dorothy DeWitt, and Rafiza Binti Abdul Razak
Applying Dynamic Geometry Environment Software as a Visualization Tool for Teaching Planimetry Construction TasksElmira Tursynkulova and Nurlybay Madiyarov
Metaverse Learning Experience Platform (MLXP) for Immersive Design Thinking to Enhance Digital Intelligence Quotient and Virtual Game Developer Skills
N. Wannapiroon, S. Shawarangkoon, C. Chawarangkoon, A. Kucharoenthavorn, and P. Wannapiroon