Editorial Board

Prof. Jon-Chao Hong |

National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taiwan
Advisory Editorial Board Members
Prof. Florentin Smarandache |
The University of New Mexico, USA
Interest: Educational Research; Computer Education; Mathematical Education; Programmed Instruction
Prof. Stamatios J. Papadakis |
University of Crete, Greece
Interest: ICT; Computational thinking; Educational technology; educational applications
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Interest: Teacher education; Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge; Teacher beliefs; ICT in Education
National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
Interest: Educational Technology Adoption Strategies; Information Systems Success; Internet Entrepreneurship Education; E-learning; AI Learning Behavior
Editorial Board Members
University of Thessaly, Greece
Interest: ICT; Science Education; Mobile Learning; Educational technology; educational applications
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Interest: Active methodologies; educational technology; digital competence; educational innovation
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Interest: science education; e-Learning; interdisciplinary science learning; science communication
University of South Carolina, United States
Interest: Internet of Things; IT Student Teaching and Learning; Curriculum Development
Prof. Li-Jen Lester |
Sam Houston State University, USA
Interest: Computing Education; Instructional Design; AI curriculum; Robotics Design
Prof. Mireia Usart Rodríguez |
Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
Interest: Educational technology; Digital competence; Quantitative methods in Education
Prof. Neil Gordon |
University of Hull, UK
Interest: flexible pedagogy; technology enhanced learning; teamwork; gamification; AI enhanced education
Prof. Ricky, Yen-Ting Lin |
National Pingtung University, Taiwan
Interest: E-Learning; Mobile/Ubiquitous Learning; Educational Technology; Learning Analytics; Artificial Intelligence; Expert Systems
Prof. Jose Belda-Medina |
University of Alicante, Spain
Interest: Technology-enhanced language learning; emerging technologies (AR, VR); chatbots; AI; language learning
Prof. Yu-Min Wang |
The National Chi Nan University, Taiwan
Interest: Information Management; Technology Adoption; Information Education
Prof. Joseph C. Kush |
The Duquesne University, USA
Interest: Instructional Technology & Educational Technology
Prof. Haisheng Pan |
Tianjin University, China
Interest: Vocational Education; Engineering Education; Higher Education
Prof. María-Esther Martínez-Figueira |
Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Interest: Educational technology; technological innovation; educational innovation
Setubal School of Technology, Portugal
Interest: Elearning systems; Active learning; Educational technologies; Innovative pedagogies
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria
Interest: Information Technology; Online Social Networks; Integrated Information Systems for Disaster Management; Artificial Intelligence; Cybersecurity; Virtual Reality; Quantum Computing
Prof. Cesar A. Collazos |
Universidad del Cauca, Colombia
Interest: Human-Computer Interaction; Computer Supported Collabirative Learning; ICT in education
Prof. Liu Honggang |
Soochow University, China
Interest: teacher psychology; learning psychology; teacher education; psychology in AI-aided learning context
Assoc. Prof. Alicia García-Holgado |

Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Interest: technological ecosystems; knowledge management, STEM education; gender mainstreaming in education; interactive learning systems; learning technologies
Assoc. Prof. Rachel Fitzgerald |

University of Queensland, Australia
Interest: Educational technology and computing
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Interest: Analytics for Learning Design
Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Interest: Artificial Intelligence in Education; Fuzzy Systems; Natural Language Processing; Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning
Assoc. Prof. Alexander Mikroyannidis |
The Open University, UK
Interest: Technology-Enhanced Learning; Educational Technology; Open Education; Open Educational Resources; Self-Regulated Learning; Personalised Learning; Lifelong Learning
Assoc. Prof. Ayman Aljarrah |
Acadia University, Canada
Interest: Mathematical understanding; mathematical creativity; effective teaching of mathematics; the process of teacher education; processes of mathematical thinking; ethnomathematics
Assoc. Prof. Xinqiao Liu |
Tianjin University, China
Interest: Higher Education; Educational Psychology; Economics of Education; Engineering Education
Assoc. Prof. Tzung-Jin Lin |
National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Interest: Science Education; Educational Technology; E-learning; Epistemic Education
Assoc. Prof. Alexander Silva |
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Interest: Education and Psychology
Assoc. Prof. Miloslava Černá |
University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
University of West Attica, Greece
Interest: Artificial Intelligence in Education; Personalized Software Technologies; Human-Computer Interaction; Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Universidad Católica de Ávila, Spain
Interest: gamification; virtual reality; active methodologies; virtual learning environments; digital learning
Dr. Francesca Cuzzocrea |
University of Messina, Italy
Interest: Game-Based Learning; Physical Education; Education High School
Dr. Simon K.S. Cheung |
Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong
Interest: blended learning; open educational resources; mobile and ubiquitous learning; artificial intelligence for teaching and learning
Young Editorial Board Members
Dr. David Perez-Jorge |
University of La Laguna, Spain
Interest: Inclusive Education; Special Educational Needs; Learning Difficulties; Guidance and Tutoring; Teacher Education
Prof. Dr. Mariane Cásseres Souza |
University of Rio Grande, Brazil
Interest: Development and Assessment of Competences; Soft skills; Active learning; Mobile learning; Impact of technology use related to education; Innovative pedagogies
Assoc. Prof. Jining Han |
Southwest University, China
Interest: AI-supported learning, virtual reality in education, computer-assisted language learning, and smart learning environment
Dr. Neha Rani |
University of Florida, USA
Interest: Human-computer interaction; Human-Centered AI; Explainable AI; Trust in intelligent systems; Wearables for education; User attitude and behavior; Everyday learning; Lifelong learning; Situated learning
Prof. Daniel Amo-Filva |
Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain
Interest: Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Dr. Iouliia Skliarova |
University of Aveiro, Portugal
Interest: gamification and game-based learning; Computing Education; Active learning; Collaborative technologies applied to education or instruction; Computer-based training; Educational simulations and games; Innovative pedagogies
Assoc. Prof. Voltaire Mallari Mistades |
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Interest: Science Education; Innovative Pedagogies; Teaching and Learning; Higher Education
Assoc. Prof. Akhmad Habibi |
Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
Interest: educational technology and statistics
Dr. Alice Barana |
University of Turin, Italy
Interest: Mathematics Education; digital learning environments; digital assessment; problem solving; computational thinking
Dr. Jian-Hong Ye |
Beijing Normal University, China
Interest: digitalization of vocational education; curriculum and teaching innovation; student psychological health and well-being; and interdisciplinary topics
Dr. Myint Swe Khine |
Curtin University, Australia
Interest: Learning sciences; Educational Technology; ICT in education; STEM education; Assessment