Abstract—This research is a part of the project ESICS (Education for Sustainable and Inclusive Civil Societies), which
aims to develop educational programs for developing countries.
They are now under high economic growth and rapid changing
of the societies. However, at once, these countries are facing
many social issues, such as economic gaps, destroying their
cultures and community bund and bubble economy. They
should find out alternative development differ from western
ways and recent china way. We are going to develop
educational programs that young generations can find out
alternative ways and can act as citizens effectively.
ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) were
promoted under the UN Decade of ESD from 2005 to 2014
world widely. This education became successful in environment
and development education. But many programs had three
problematic points; 1) they concentrate their interest on
environment issues by the perspectives of natural sciences. But
many issues concern social sciences. 2) Some of them simply
finish with students’ determinations. But many real social issues
include citizens’ dilemma. 3) They emphasized students’
personal actions. But we, citizens, also have formal decision
making processes. They are more effective on social issues. We
should develop students’ political literacy for problem solving
of social issues we face. Citizenship education has many good
practices for political literacy.
This paper discusses new possibility of ESD based on
citizenship education. Our project ESICS does not remain
theoretical discussions. This project includes developing real
learning materials, making teacher training seminar programs
and education for young engineers.
Index Terms—ESD, citizenship education, curriculum
development, teacher training programs.
K. Taniguchi is with Graduate School of Education, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Miyagi 9808576, Japan (e-mail: tkazuya@sed.tohoku.ac.jp).
E. Nakano is with Faculty of Education, Tohoku University, Sendai,
Miyagi 9808576, Japan (e-mail: project.esics@gmail.com).
Cite: Kazuya Taniguchi and Eriko Nakano, "Citizenship Education for Sustainable Development: Theoretical and Practical Approaches for Project ESICS," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 763-767, 2017.