Abstract—Feedback can be seen as a key component to
support learning. In particular, elaborate feedback that makes
specific information about learning outcomes available and
provides hints for improvements can be seen as worthwhile but
is also costly. In this context, this paper discusses feedback in
learning and screencasts as technological tools to support the
provision of instructor-given feedback. The results of two case
studies are presented. In the case studies, screencasts were
employed as a tool to provide feedback on the results of students’
group work. These feedback screencasts were available for the
group members and also all course participants. On this basis,
the question of whether students learn from feedback given to
other learners is discussed.
Index Terms—Feedback, podcast, screencast.
The author is with University of Hildesheim, Germany (e-mail:
Cite: Joachim Griesbaum, "Feedback in Learning: Screencasts as Tools to Support Instructor Feedback to Students and the Issue of Learning from Feedback Given to Other Learners," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 694-699, 2017.