Abstract—In this work, we proposed an e-learning
architecture based on cloud computing technologies. Also, we
demonstrate how to construct a complete e-learning cloud
containing the essential components for deployment stage and
provide an example of the experimental application to further
analyze its pros and cons against the conventional method.
Furthermore, we propose how to provide the ubiquitous
e-learning capability from an e-learning cloud. By utilizing a
smart mobile application combined with the Quick Response
Code mechanism, we can offer the education provider, students
and participant the ability to offer and obtain information or
knowledge more quickly and easily in many e-learning
application environment including schools, museums and
exhibitions. This architecture contains a private cloud on local
hardware resources and SaaS services powered by the external
large-scale cloud services provider.
Index Terms—E-learning, cloud computing, virtualization,
VM migration, live migration.
Chao-Tung Yang and Wei-Ting Yeh are with the Department of
Computer Science, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail:
Wen-Chung Shih is with the Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
(e-mail: wjshih@asia.edu.tw; Corresponding author).
Cite: Chao-Tung Yang, Wei-Ting Yeh, and Wen-Chung Shih, "Implementation and Evaluation of an e-Learning Architecture on Cloud Environments ," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 7, no. 8, pp. 623-630, 2017.