International Journal of
Information and Education Technology

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
Frequency: Monthly
ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)

IJIET 2017 Vol.7(5): 367-373 ISSN: 2010-3689
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2017.7.5.896

Design of Students’ Evaluation of Teaching: The Case of Sripatum University

R. Sanitya and S. Sinjindawong

Abstract—This study aimed to develop and design the Students’ Evaluation of Teaching (SET) at Sripatum University. The development also includes two works: 1) Development of the SET form, its validity was considered by three experts, and the consistency was considered between the questions on the objective of the evaluation or IOC. Then it was tested on 41 students to analyze the reliability by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. 2) Design and develop the SET report is consistent with the new evaluation and the expert’s recommendations. Then, a sub-groups meeting to conclude the job. Results are as follows:
1). There are three parts to the SET form as follows: Part 1: General information, Part 2: The Instructor’s Teaching Competency Evaluation, and Part 3: Other suggestions. The consistency between the questions on the objective of the evaluation or IOC0.5.This means that all questions are consistent with the objectives that can be applied to reality and 0.732 Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of the SET form is at a good level of reliability.
2). The SET report is divided into two main parts. 1) Percentage of students’ assessment report and 2) The Instructor’s Teaching Competency Evaluation report which is two levels: 1) Faculty the SET report. 2) Individual the SET report is divided into five sections as follows 2.1) Frequency and percentage of students’ assessment, 2.2) Frequency and percentage of students’ self-assessment, 2.3) Percentage and average of the SET by parts, 2.4) Percentage and average of the SET by items, and 2.5) Students’ feedback.

Index Terms—Design, students’ evaluation of teaching, evaluation.

R. Sanitya and S. Sinjindawong are with the Sripatum University, Thailand (e-mail:,


Cite: R. Sanitya and S. Sinjindawong, "Design of Students’ Evaluation of Teaching: The Case of Sripatum University," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 367-373, 2017.
