Abstract—In recent years, mobile learning has been a fast
growing concept. Through the great number of conducted
experiments, many researchers and institutions recognize the
potential of mobile technologies as a learning tool. However, a
wide adoption of the concept itself is still challenging. In fact,
one of the difficulties faced by a teacher is the choice of the
appropriate tool and, more generally, the appropriate use of
mobile for a specific educational context. In this paper, we
propose a generic classification of educational mobile uses based
on learning strategies paradigm, and taking into account both
learners’ and teachers’ activities. We validate our findings by
some statistics of the most downloaded educational mobile apps
from the most popular mobile App Stores.
Index Terms—Educational mobile apps, learning strategies,
mobile learning, teacher’s activity.
O. Chergui and A. Begdouri are with the SIA laboratory, FST, University
of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco (e-mail:
oumayma.chergui@usmba.ac.ma, abegdouri@gmail.com).
D. Groux-Leclet is with the MIS laboratory, University of Picardie
Jules-Verne, Amiens, France (dominique.groux@u-picardie.fr).
Cite: Oumayma Chergui, Ahlame Begdouri, and Dominique Groux-Leclet, "A Classification of Educational Mobile Use for Learners and Teachers," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 324-330, 2017.