IJIET 2016 Vol.6(11): 909-912 ISSN: 2010-3689
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2016.V6.815
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2016.V6.815
An Approach in Teaching Reading for Down Syndrome Children
Rahmah Lob Yussof, Wan Syaqira Wan Mohd Anuuar, Riaza Mohd Rias, Hafiza Abas, and Anidzan Ariffin
Abstract—Teaching approach for down syndrome (DS)
Children is not the same as teaching the normal ones. The DS
children require special teaching approach and attention from
their teachers. Indeed, it has been proven that DS children are
able to learn but in a more specific way. Until now, there have
not been advanced teaching tools that are suitable for DS
children to use in their learning process. This paper presents a
preliminary study that was conducted at Kiwanis Klang Centre,
which enrols only DS children to: 1) investigate the method of
learning reading among DS children and 2) examine the type of
learning tools used during the learning session. The procedures
used for this preliminary study were divided into two types:
interviews with teachers and observation on DS children during
their reading session. The materials used in the learning session
were paper and flash cards. It was found that these DS children
used simple words and images during the learning session. Even
though they are learning in traditional ways, teachers affirmed
that these DS children were able to handle and play with gadgets
such as smart phones and tablets which belong to their parents
just like other normal children.
Index Terms—Down syndrome, sight words, flash cards, reading, mobile based.
The authors are with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia (e-mail: rahmah128@pahang.uitm.edu.my, wansyaqira@yahoo.com, hafiza.abas@gmail.com, anidzan715@kelantan.uitm.edu.my).
Index Terms—Down syndrome, sight words, flash cards, reading, mobile based.
The authors are with Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia (e-mail: rahmah128@pahang.uitm.edu.my, wansyaqira@yahoo.com, hafiza.abas@gmail.com, anidzan715@kelantan.uitm.edu.my).
Cite: Rahmah Lob Yussof, Wan Syaqira Wan Mohd Anuuar, Riaza Mohd Rias, Hafiza Abas, and Anidzan Ariffin, "An Approach in Teaching Reading for Down Syndrome Children," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 909-912, 2016.