IJIET 2016 Vol.6(7): 538-542 ISSN: 2010-3689
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2016.V6.747
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2016.V6.747
Web Developer Knowledge and Skills 2014
Janos Fustos, Gerard Morris, and Wayne Haga
Abstract—The authors collected data regarding the current
demand for web developers, the education level requested, and
the specific skills requested over a number of months on
Dice.com. The requested skills were tabulated, categorized, and
totals for both the categories and individual skills were
computed. The key categories and specific skills are enumerated
and the results show that the web development field requires an
incredibly diverse set of knowledge and skills.
Index Terms—Web developer, job requirement, web programming, web scripting.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Information Systems, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver, CO 80217 USA (e-mail: fustos@msudenver.edu, morrisgj@msudenver.edu, haga@msudenver.edu).
Index Terms—Web developer, job requirement, web programming, web scripting.
The authors are with the Department of Computer Information Systems, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver, CO 80217 USA (e-mail: fustos@msudenver.edu, morrisgj@msudenver.edu, haga@msudenver.edu).
Cite: Janos Fustos, Gerard Morris, and Wayne Haga, "Web Developer Knowledge and Skills 2014," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 6, no. 7, pp. 538-542, 2016.