Abstract—The emergence of the information and
communication technology (ICT) in academia environment has
contributed to the development of the e-learning systems. They
have received a considerable attention in education and
provided significant advantages such as convenience, flexibility
and global learning community. While e-learning systems are
growing significantly, there is a pressure on educational
institutions and organizations to ensure the quality of e-learning
systems. ISO 9126 is the most recognized and applied quality
standard to specify and evaluate attributes of the software
product. In this paper, ISO 9126 is extended with the specific
characteristics of the e-learning software product. This
extension is done by defining the quality characteristics of the
e-learning system and integrating them in the ISO 9126 model.
Results of this study will serve as a basis for the evaluation of an
existing system.
Index Terms—E-learning, ISO 9126, software quality model,
quality characteristics, online education, high education.
Rachida Djouab and Moncef Bari are with the Department of Didactics
Université du Québec à Montréal Montreal, Canada (e-mail:
djouab.rachida@uqam.ca, bari.moncef@uqam.ca).
Cite: Rachida Djouab and Moncef Bari, "An ISO 9126 Based Quality Model for the e-Learning Systems," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 370-375, 2016.