DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2011.V1.5
ERDQ: A Real-time Framework for Increasing Quality of Customer Whit Data Mining Mechanisms
Abstract—In this paper a real-time framework for increasing quality of customer whit Data mining mechanisms will provide. EDRQ a framework that is simultaneously using the effective parameters can increase system performance, helping it to a series of phases. Within the proposed process is that we can then create a specific process that our system performances, which are independent phases, be used simultaneously in this framework. EDRQ Real-Time framework capabilities than previous frameworks provides optimal. In this context help for some parameters we can create conditions similar to the space environment, compatibility with concurrency environment and do better. Working within the framework of the proposed uses of the streams that can make choosing streams simultaneously increase the speed and quality of service it to improve the previous framework. For quality service to customers is an important parameter to help the system efficiency significantly increased. Real-Time methods, and ultimately improve the quality of customer satisfaction levels and percent increase in customer response to achieve high transaction systems with complexity when we created very little. This framework can accurately evaluate competence to function in the algorithm used to create the framework and conditions more favorable to demonstrate the system.
Index Terms—ERDQ; Data Mining; Real time; ERPASD
Arash Ghorbannia Delavar, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran,
Behrouz Noori Lahrood,Payame Noor University ,Tehran, Iran ,
Mohsen Nejadkheirallah Allameh Mohaddes Noori, Institute of Higher Education,Noor, Iran,
Mehdi Zekriyapanah Gashti,Payame Noor University ,Tehran, Iran ,
Cite: Arash Ghorbannia Delavar, Behrouz Noori Lahrood, Mohsen Nejadkheirallah, and Mehdi Zekriyapanah Gashti, "ERDQ: A Real-time Framework for Increasing Quality of Customer Whit Data Mining Mechanisms," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24-28, 2011.