Abstract—This research aims at the development of a
framework for designing a proposed admission system in the
Saudi universities.
This study is based on results of another paper that revealed
that the current admission system in the Saudi universities needs
to develop. This due to the current system for admission in Saudi
universities is not comprehensive, and not relevant.
The study recommends applying modern approaches related
to DSS (such as; the proposed system) in order to improve the
efficiency of the admission system in the Saudi universities.
Index Terms—Decision support systems (DSS), the efficiency,
admission system, Saudi universities.
The authors are with De Montfort University, Leicester, United Kingdom
(e-mail: akoshim1@hotmail.com, aayesh@dmu.ac.uk,
Cite: A. Alotaibi, A. Ayesh, and R. Hall, "Managing Admission in Saudi Universities: A System Approach," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 314-321, 2016.