Abstract—The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics) education research still grows continuously
in this decade; this study utilized the bibliometric and
co-citation method to depict literature characteristics of STEM
education, including distribution of journals, publication
countries, subject area, most cited references and so on. The
analytical data is from querying the database of Social Science
Citation Index (SSCI) of ISI Web of knowledge. Data, collected
in the database, could be easily analyzed to figure out the
popularity of publications and impact of articles through
citation indexes. This study provided the distribution of core,
relevant, and marginal journal, and describe the academic
trend in STEM education.
Index Terms—STEM education, bibliometric method,
academic trend, co-citation.
Y. C. Yu and S. H. Chang are with the National Changhua University of
Education, Changhua city, Taiwan (e-mail: yucc@mail.dali.tc.edu.tw,
L. C. Yu is with the National Chengchi University, Taipei city, Taiwan
(e-mail: 100356502@nccu.edu.tw).
Cite: Yuan-Chung Yu, Shu-Hsuan Chang, and Li-Chih Yu, "An Academic Trend in STEM Education from Bibliometric and Co-Citation Method," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 113-116, 2016.