Abstract—The realities of globalization, both positive and
negative, dominate the landscape of higher education.
Transnational education programs allow students to pursue
higher education in other countries without physically
relocating. These programs offer collaborative learning
opportunities which are valuable for increasingly globalized
societies, and hold great potential for developing countries.
However, concerns regarding cultural compromise and quality
assurance remain. This article highlights current global trends
in transnational education, with a dual focus on culture and
Index Terms—Transnational education, online education,
distance education, globalization.
B. Bannier is with Lake Region State College, Devils Lake, ND 58301
USA (e-mail: betsy.bannier@lrsc.edu).
Cite: Betsy J. Bannier, "Global Trends in Transnational Education," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 80-84, 2016.