Home > Archive > 2015 > Volume 5 Number 11 (Nov. 2015) >
IJIET 2015 Vol.5(11): 832-835 ISSN: 2010-3689
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2015.V5.621

Exploring the Relationships between Students‟ Online Interactive Activities and Their Views of the Nature of Scientific Theories

P. J. Li and H.-Y. Hong

Abstract—The purpose of this study was to investigate whether engaging students in computer supported collaborative activities in a knowledge-building environment could help them develop a deeper understanding of the nature of scientific theories. Findings indicated: 1) students’ views of the nature of scientific theories significantly changed, becoming more constructivist-oriented toward the end of the semester; 2) there was a statistically significant relationship between students’ online interactive activities and their enhanced understanding of the nature of scientific theories. In sum, engaging students in computer supported collaborative activities in a knowledge-building environment seems to be supportive in helping students develop a more informed view of the nature of scientific theories.

Index Terms—Knowledge-building, computer supported collaborative learning, nature of scientific theory.

Pei Jung Li and Huang-Yao Hong are with National Chengchi University, Taiwan (e-mail: 101152005@nccu.edu.tw).


Cite: P. J. Li and H.-Y. Hong, "Exploring the Relationships between Students‟ Online Interactive Activities and Their Views of the Nature of Scientific Theories," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 832-835, 2015.

General Information

  • ISSN: 2010-3689 (Online)
  • Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Inf. Educ. Technol.
  • Frequency: Monthly
  • DOI: 10.18178/IJIET
  • Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Jon-Chao Hong
  • Managing Editor: Ms. Nancy Y. Liu
  • E-mail: editor@ijiet.org
  • Abstracting/ Indexing: Scopus (CiteScore 2023: 2.8), INSPEC (IET), UGC-CARE List (India), CNKI, EBSCO, Google Scholar
  • Article Processing Charge: 800 USD


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