Abstract—This study introduced the Service-Learning courses in Ilan University, as well as investigated the effectiveness of the service item - popular science education promotion. The undergraduate students who elected these courses (Novel Food Processing, Bio-nanotechnology and Introduction to Food Nanotechnology) voluntarily took part in service-learning program as the seed teachers to promote the nanotech popular science education for 4th to 6th grade students. Seed teachers completed 24 hours extra exercise beyond classroom learning. The self-designed activity — nanotech's popular science education promotion (NPSEP) teaching is carried out, meanwhile, elementary schools students’ learning performance were evaluated before and after this activities. We found NPSEP teaching significantly advanced the nanotech learning performance and outcome for these elementary schools students. These undergraduate students also gained a significant advancement in learning target of nanotechnology.
Index Terms—Elementary school, nanotechnology, popular
science education, service-learning.
M. T. Wu is with the Department of Industrial Management and
Enterprise Information, Aletheia University, New Taipei, CO 251 Taiwan
(e-mail: mingtawu@ms23.hinet.net).
S. Y. Lin is with the Faculty of Center for General Education, Aletheia
University, New Taipei, CO 251 Taiwan (e-mail: sylin8@yahoo.com.tw).
Y. I. Cho and H. H. Chen are with the Faculty of Center for
Nanotechnology, National Ilan University, I-Lan, CO 260 Taiwan (e-mail:
cho-1@yahoo.com.tw, hhchen@niu.edu.tw).
Cite: Ming-Ta Wu, Show-Yu Lin, Ya-I. Cho, and Hui-Huang Chen, "The Service-Learning Courses in Ilan University to Promote Nanotech’s Popular Science Education," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 814-817, 2015.