IJIET 2015 Vol.5(8): 582-586 ISSN: 2010-3689
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2015.V5.572
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2015.V5.572
The Impact of Using Electronic Media in English Teaching for Elementary and Secondary Students in Thailand
Unchana Klentien and Weeranan Kamnungwut
Abstract—The main objective of this research is to examine
the impact of using electronic media software program in
teaching English for students in 100 elementary and secondary
schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission
(OBEC). This software program was designed to help students
memorize vocabulary more effectively and allow them to form a
sentence in their mind more easily and quickly. The findings
showed that a high score of frequency of program use or a
so-called ‘diligence score’ was correlated with the length of time
students had spent on the program and the number of
vocabulary and sentences students had learned from the
program, while a high score of proficiency or a so-called
‘proficiency score’ was correlated with the number of
vocabulary students had learned, points from the lessons’ tests
and exercises, and the level of lessons they had gone through. In
addition, the students were greatly satisfied with the program in
all aspects, ranging from learning activities in the lessons and
website, contents, and teaching techniques, respectively.
Index Terms—Electronic media, English teaching, learning, English software program.
U. Klentien and W. Kamnungwut are with Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand (e-mail: unapor@gmail.com, raetae7@hotmail.com).
Index Terms—Electronic media, English teaching, learning, English software program.
U. Klentien and W. Kamnungwut are with Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand (e-mail: unapor@gmail.com, raetae7@hotmail.com).
Cite: Unchana Klentien and Weeranan Kamnungwut, "The Impact of Using Electronic Media in English Teaching for Elementary and Secondary Students in Thailand," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 582-586, 2015.