Abstract—E-learning is a new approach for teaching and
learning using telecommunication technology such as the
Internet. Learners can receive knowledge anytime, anywhere.
In order to understand the factors influencing learners’
intention to use e-learning systems and the effectiveness using
the systems, recent studies designed different learning methods
over various learning systems. However, most of the studies
focused on the one-way e-learning systems. In such systems, the
communications are mainly between learners and instructors.
We argued that peer interactions play an important role on
e-learning. Using Facebook Groups for School as the e-learning
platform, we empirically tested the proposed model. We found
that technology quality and interaction with instructor would
affect learners’ perceived satisfaction. The interaction with
peers and learners’ satisfaction would influence the intention of
continuous use of the course Facebook Groups as a learning
Index Terms—E-learning, facebook groups for schools,
interaction with peers, interaction with instructor.
Chen-Huei Chou is with School of Business, College of Charleston,
Charleston SC 29464 USA (e-mail: chouc@cofc.edu).
Shih-Ming Pi is with the Department of Information Management, School
of Business, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, Taiwan 32023
ROC (e-mail: smpi@im.cycu.edu.tw).
Cite: Chen-Huei Chou and Shih-Ming Pi, "The Effectiveness of Facebook Groups for e-Learning," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 5, no. 7, pp. 477-482, 2015.