Abstract—The research-oriented teaching, by diversified
organizing forms such as investigation research, project
research and design, etc. and different teaching methods
including heuristic, exploratory, discussion and PBL -based
mode, exactly complies with the requirements of the Ministry
of Education of China for reform of education and teaching
methods in colleges, and is the trend of teaching pattern reform
of courses in Chinese high level colleges. This paper analyzes
the development and dilemma of research-oriented teaching
reform in Chinese universities, and proposes solutions to the
Index Terms—Research-oriented teaching, curriculum,
course mode reform, bottleneck.
Xinying Shi, Zhaoming Xue, and Hong Zhang are with Anhui
University, China (e-mail: sxy190@163.com).
Cite: Xinying Shi, Zhaoming Xue, and Hong Zhang, "A Study on the Research-Oriented Teaching Courses Reform in Chinese Colleges and Universities," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 260-264, 2015.