Abstract—The digital image processing is widely studied in
the scientific literature. Techniques for image treatment
derived from satellites are continuously developed and
improved. Although most of these techniques are readily
available to the researchers, it is known that a minimum
knowledge in programming should be purchased by those who
wish to use these techniques. In this context, this paper proposes
an open source graphical application which refers to
preprocessing of images coming from satellites. The main focus
is to become simple the use of preprocessing techniques without
requiring the user to have knowledge about programming. To
achieve this goal, technologies such as Qt framework (used for
the development of graphical interface) and TerraLib (used for
the development of preprocessing techniques) were used
together and Façade design pattern was chosen to perform the
communication between the technologies. This design pattern
consists of developing a single interface to access resources
developed and available in TerraLib library. The
communication between the technologies is explained in detail
and this work concludes with expectations about the proposal
graphical application.
Index Terms—Façade design pattern, Qt framework,
TerraLib library.
The authors are with the Technological Institute, Federal University of
Para, Brazil (e-mail: reginaldo.filho@icen.ufpa.br, siravenha@ufpa.br,
damares.resende@itec.ufpa.br, danilofrazao@ufpa.br, pelaes@ufpa.br).
Cite: Reginaldo Filho, Ana Siravenha, Damares Resende, Danilo Souza, and Evaldo Pelaes, "A Graphical Open Source Tool for Preprocessing Satellites Images," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 436-440, 2014.