Abstract—“Semantic Web” refers to W3C’s vision of future
web. It aims at a web of data, where information is linked up in
such a way to be processable by devices and agents. In a wider
canvas, semantic web can be seen as a huge engineering solution.
Ontologies are playing the vital role in Semantic Web vision for
its full-fledged implementation. Though lot of developments
happened in this arena of ontology development in line with the
implementation of semantic web, the standardization of process
models, tools and methodologies are yet to be saturated.
Researches in ontology engineering had pointed out that an
effective ontology application development methodology with
integrated tool support is a mandatory for its success. The
researcher in his previous publication, proposed a hybrid
methodology for ontology development by leveraging the well
proven process models and methods of software engineering.
This paper explains the philosophical, engineering aspects of the
newly derived methodology and applies the same for the
development of a Java Learning Educational Ontology (JLEO).
JLEO organizes the learning hierarchy of Java Programming
Language suitable to the related modules spread across the
curriculum of Middle East College. An appropriate ontology
editing tool has been used for the practical development of
Index Terms—Java programming, methodology, ontology
development, semantic web.
S. John is with the Computing Department of Middle East College,
Knowledge Oasis, and Sultanate of Oman (e-mail: santhosh@ mec.edu.om).
Cite: Santhosh John, "Development of an Educational Ontology for Java Programming (JLEO) with a Hybrid Methodology Derived from Conventional Software Engineering Process Models," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 308-312, 2014.