Abstract—The purpose of the study is to identify prejudices
among government and private worker toward the ethnic of
Bajau in Malaysia, especially in Sabah state. A total of 22
workers from government and private agency were invited to
join this study. In-depth interview had been used to investigate
perception of Bajau towards own ethnic and perception of
others ethnic toward Bajau. From analysis, ethnic groups
identify themselves according three major aspects, which are 1)
attitude and behavior, 2) physical and appearance, 3) culture.
The conclusion from these research, the understanding from
others ethnic groups toward Bajau is on the lesser side, but
there are some of the factors that match the perception of Bajau
toward themselves, such as Bajau is or rude natured. This
might be due to the less understanding from others ethnic or the
disappearing traditional culture of Bajau.
Index Terms—Prejudice, Bajau ethnic, government, private
Lailawati Madlan, Chua Bee Seok, Jasmin Adela Mutang, and Ho Cheah
Joo are with Psychology and Social Health Research Unit, School of
Psychology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia (e-mail:
laila@ums.edu.my; chuabs@ums.edu.my; jasmine@ums.edu.my;
Shamsul Amri Baharudin is with Director Institute of Ethnic Studies
(KITA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (e-mail: abshamsul@gmail.com).
Cite: Lailawati Binti Madlan, Chua Bee Seok, Jasmin Adela Mutang, Shamsul Amri Baharudin, and Ho Cheah Joo, "The Prejudice of Bajau: From Own and Others Ethnic Perspective: A Preliminary Study in Sabah," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 244-248, 2014.