Abstract—Setting cuts cores is considered one of the most controversial issues in educational measurement. Not only the procedure is complex, it also relies heavily on the judgments of the panelist. The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence of the adequacy of the Bookmark method in setting cut scores. 15 teachers have been employed as panelist for the purpose. A 50 multiple choice item test in Mathematics has been administered to 588 14-years old students. Three cut scores have been set to distinguish students into different performance levels, namely basic, proficient and advanced cut scores. Result shows that the panelist has high satisfaction of the procedure
Index Terms—Bookmark method, cut scores, mathematics,
Rasch Model.
Ahmad Zamri bin Khairani and Nordin bin Abd Razak are with the
School of Educational Studies, 11800 Universiti Sains Malaysia (e-mail:
ahmadzamrir@ usm.my, norazak@ usm.my).
Hasni Shamsudin is with Sekolah Menengah Sains Kepala Batas, 13200
Kepala Batas, Penang (email: emel_hasni@yahoo.com).
Cite: Ahmad Zamri bin Khairani, Nordin bin Abd Razak, and Hasni Shamsuddin, "Application of the Rasch Model and the Bookmark Method in Setting Cut Scores in Mathematics," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 198-202, 2014.