Abstract—This study explored e-learning attitudes reported
by (98) professionals working in the field of children with
disabilities, (60) teachers, (18) tutors working in diverse areas,
(11) shadow teachers and (9) social workers, current study
belongs to the pattern of descriptive analytical studies, a study
Applied in ad hoc learning disabilities institution at Fayoum
governorate south Egypt, The final results of Friedman
technique confirmed that the attitudes of e-learning consists of
three components Affective, Behavior and Cognitive
components according (A,B,C) MODEL, cognitive Component
has achieved the first rank in terms of the importance at
(2.29), the next is Affective component at mean rank (2.02), the
third and final rank is behavioral or skills component at (1.69).
in the other hand result shows that E-learning implementation
barriers consisted of five items, the test confirmed that the
rank of items (1) to (5), Content-Suitability barriers is the first
by mean rank (4.10), the last rank is the Instructional barriers
by mean rank (1.66), results enable us to accept the null
hypothesis: there is no significance difference in the
professionals attitudes towards e-learning courseVary
according to (educational level, position), in the other hand
result showed accepts the alternative hypothesis: there is a
statistically significant association at a level (0.05) between e
learning implementation barriers and staff attitudes towards e
Index Terms—Children with disabilities, online learning,
web learning, networked based learning, e-learning attitude, elearning
course, affective component, behavioral component,
cognitive component.
Ahmed Farouk Mohamed Saleh is with Disabilities Department,
Faculty of Social Work, Fayoum University, Cairo, Egypt (e-mail:
Al-Farouk Ahmed Farouk Mohamed is with American school, Cairo,
Egypt (e-mail: pharaohs-1999@live.com).
Cite: Ahmed Farouk Mohamed Saleh and Al-Farouk Ahmed Farouk Mohamed, "Professionals' Attitudes towards Using e-Learning Implementation with Children with Disabilities," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 120-122, 2014.