Abstract—Multimedia explanations include videos, quizzes,
worksheets and animations. During the academic year of
2011/12, a study was conducted at SCC College, NY, US, which
demonstrates a positive association between use of multimedia
explanations in an open eLearning environment and student
success. Computer based visual explanations were
developed using online authoring sites and editing software,
and published by subject in designated areas of Virtual
Learning Commons (VLC), which also provided students with
social networking tools. The faculty were creating and
discussing their multimedia explanations in a collaborative
online environment. Original analytics were written in Java
Server Pages and XML programming languages in order to
keep confidential statistics on student use. Analysis based on
student outcomes has yielded a positive association between use
of the VLC and student success. Surveys and data-tracking has
enabled the Title III project office to find out what types of
multimedia explanations appeal best to students.
Index Terms—Analytics, e-learning, multimedia
explanations, open environment, student success.
Tatiana Tchoubar is with Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
11790, USA (e-mail:Tatiana.tchoubar@gmail.com).
Cite: Tatiana Tchoubar, "Effective Use of Multimedia Explanations in Open e-Learning Environment Fosters Student Success," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 63-66, 2014.