IJIET 2014 Vol.4(1): 49-53 ISSN: 2010-3689
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2014.V4.367
DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2014.V4.367
Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud-Based Mobile Learning
Dimiter G. Velev
Abstract—The paper attempts to outlines the challenges and
opportunities in development and use of cloud-based mobile
learning. A brief definition of the mobile learning, its
components and related technologies and devices is given. The
specific characteristics of social media, big data and cloud
computing are summarized in relation with their integration in
the mobile learning and its transformation to a cloud-based
environment. The paper could be useful as initial guidelines for
organizing and managing the mobile learning process by cloud
Index Terms—Big data, cloud computing, mobile learning, social media.
D. Velev is with the University of National and World Economy, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria (e-mail:dvelev@unwe.acad.bg).
Index Terms—Big data, cloud computing, mobile learning, social media.
D. Velev is with the University of National and World Economy, Sofia 1700, Bulgaria (e-mail:dvelev@unwe.acad.bg).
Cite: Dimiter G. Velev, "Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud-Based Mobile Learning," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 49-53, 2014.