Abstract—MOOCs are an opportunity to think of learning as
an interaction of different people and groups in totally new
ways. This paper proposes a didactic setting in which students
act as teachers in a MOOC and asks the question, if there is a
double gain of MOOCs when employed as an in-class teaching
method and as a worldwide learning environment. The analysis
of a case study, a student made MOOC “Online data privacy”,
delivers first insights into the feasibility and didactic value of
such a novel approach.
Index Terms—Case study, MOOC, teaching method.
Joachim Griesbaum is with the Department of Information Science and
Natural Language Processing, University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim,
Germany (e-mail: joachim.griesbaum@uni-hildesheim.de).
Cite: Joachim Griesbaum, "Students as Teachers in MOOCs? The Double Gain of MOOCs as an in-Class Teaching Method Experiences from a Student-Made MOOC “Online Data Privacy”," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 29-34, 2014.