Abstract—The construction of modular courses should be
highlighted for application oriented universities, while the
traditional professional training system should be less
concentrated. Based on the quality requirements of different
professions, universities should establish a corresponding
modular curriculum system and the market to satisfy students
training to the maximum, and realize further the matching
between graduates and their future jobs. Meanwhile, effective
protection and incentive measures should be adopted for
universities to ensure its openness and smooth operation of the
modular courses market. In this paper, taking the basic content
in "Surface EMG" of rehabilitation of muscle function for an
example, it shows the "modular" courses between social sports
(major) and rehabilitation medicine (major) of Luzhou Medical
Index Terms—Modular curriculum, courses market, surface
The authors are with Basic Medical School and the p. e Department of
Luzhou Medical College, Luzhou, 646000, China (e-mail:
Cite:Bo Peng, Si Chen, Dan Fang, and Mao Luo, "Assumption of Modular Courses in the Surface Electromyography Courses," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 413-416, 2013.