Abstract—This paper presents a study on teacher’s reflections. This descriptive, qualitative, study provided an opportunity for high school biology teachers to reflect on their experiences as they implemented an innovation, laptop computers, in their laboratory classrooms. Their reflections were analyzed in terms of how the innovation was accomplished, including their role, teaching approaches, and the acquisition and use of teaching materials.
Index Terms—Biology, implementation, instruction, laptops, reflection, teachers.
Morag S. Gundy is with University of Ottawa, Canada (e-mail: moragsgundy@hotmail.com).
Marie Josée Berger was with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. She is now with the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa, Canada (e-mail:mjberger@uottawa.ca).
Cite: Morag S Gundy and Marie Josée Berger, "Laptop Computers: Reflecting on Innovation in Science," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 139-142, 2013.