Abstract—The way of creating exams can enhance education. Also, the exam should cover majority of course material and should include various levels of difficulties. This paper presents a tool designed for automatically creating exams by selecting questions from a bank of questions for several courses. This bank of question is designed as an object-oriented knowledge base. Its questions should emphasize on the structuring categories of all course domains. An intelligent agent will help in selecting questions. It will watch the examiners and learn from their experience, at editing questions or at creating exams. The presented tool could be applied in several courses and can be used at various education level and nature. It is designed to create online exam, as well as, offline one. Also, the tool will produce a key for the produced exam. So, this tool can extend the E-Learning and provide more success in distant education.
Index Terms—E-learning, exams, intelligent agent, object oriented knowledge base.
K. N. Elsayed is with the Computer Science Department, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah AlMokaramah, Saudi Arabia Kingdom (e-mail: knsayed@uqu.edu.sa, khnasser2000@yahoo.com).
Cite: Khaled N. Elsayed, "A Tool for Creating Exams Automatically from an Object-Oriented Knowledge Base Question Bank," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 27-31, 2013.