Abstract—Due to the decreasing number of engineering graduates, there is a strong need for the betterment of the education customs. A model-based education approach is extremely useful application with an opportunity of the technology integration. There is a need to understand the barriers that the students have in order to successfully complete the curriculum. This ethnographic research presents the foundation for a deep dive research into the pain points of the students in the engineering curriculum. This research also presents the human-technology integration points in the overall modular education system. The future research is to provide an Augmented reality based technology on small form factor devices to provide a scaffolding support in the education system.
Index Terms—Ethnographic research, engineering education, education modeling, inductive teaching, scaffolding.
The authors are with Wright State University, Dayton OH 45435 USA (e-mail: abhyankar.2@wright.edu, subhashini.ganapathy@wright.edu).
Cite: Kushal Abhyankar and Subhashini Ganapathy, "Ethnographic Research Based Education Model Development," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 113-116, 2013.