Abstract—The aim of this paper is to identify talented students in three-dimensional computer graphics programming using cognitive load measurement and spatial ability test. Eleven students from the department of computing undertook a spatial ability test, a performance and a cognitive load test using task and performance-based techniques and, perception surveys. The results are supportive of previous research studies in building expertise. Students with high spatial ability who performed well in the task of generating three-dimensional computer graphics with low cognitive load measures were identified as talented students in three-dimensional computer graphics programming. This study suggests that people with higher abstract thinking have better ability to transfer skills from similar domains.
Index Terms—Spatial ability, cognitive load measurement, three-dimensional computer graphics programmers, task and performance-based techniques, talented students, computer graphics education.
The authors are with Macquarie University, Sydney NSW 2109 Australia (email: farshid.anvari@students.mq.edu.au, hien.tran@mq.edu.au, manolya.kavakli@mq.edu.au).
Cite: Farshid Anvari, Hien Minh Thi Tran, and Manolya Kavakli, "Using Cognitive Load Measurement and Spatial Ability Test to Identify Talented Students in Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics Programming," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 94-99, 2013.