Abstract—Due to the fast development of information technology there are new opportunities for traditional training systems. Many e-training systems are proposed and implemented, however, there is rarely any research on group based e-training system that allow people to train in a group that involves different roles. This paper proposes an architecture for a web based surgery group training system that supports multi-role group training courses. A course model based on XPDL (XML Process Definition Language) is introduced to bridge the understanding of a graphical multi-role course design and the computer application. There is also an explanation on how the multi-role courses are designed and used in applications. Finally a demonstration experiment is given.
Index Terms—E-training, group training, multi-role, web-based, XPDL, BPMN.
Xi Guo is with the Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK (email: xguo@dmu.ac.uk).
Cite: Xi Guo, Seng Chong, Sue Dyson, and Lorenzo Picinali, "The Architecture and Development of Multi-Role Course Design of a Web-Based Group Training System," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 21-26, 2013.