Abstract—Road traffic accidents have become a major health problem worldwide. There is an urgent need to educate young drivers on road safety and traffic rules. This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Virtual Experiential Learning (VEL) for educating undergraduate students on traffic rules in Thailand. The results showed that the VEL affected cognitive load reduction in both short term and long term memory which can increase student’s knowledge in traffic rules efficiently.
Index Terms—Cognitive load reduction, experiential learning, multimedia learning.
The authors are with the School of Information Technology, Murdoch University, Australia (e-mail: si_bori2002@yahoo.com, l.fung@murdoch.edu.au).
Cite: Sirilak Borirug and Chun Che Fung, "An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Virtual Experiential Learning (VEL) for Educating Undergraduate Students on Traffic Rules in Thailand," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 643-646, 2012.