DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2012.V2.155
Visualization Skills among Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Student
Abstract—A visualization skill is very important in engineering field and it is positively correlated with achievement in engineering disciplines. Therefore, this study was carried out to study visualization skills level among students in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai. 730 respondents engaged in this study which covered thirteen faculties in this campus. The respondent in this study consists of first year student to fourth year student. This quantitative study was analyzed using descriptive method. The instruments that had been used in this study were biographical data sheet and short version of visualization standard tests. The finding of this study revealed that student at UTM to be at moderately high skills in visualizations. Thus, the appropriate approach should be taking into account in order to apply the right technique in teaching to enhance student’s visualization skills.
Index Terms—Visualization Skills, engineering drawing, engineering field.
D. F. Ali and M. S. Nordin are with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (email:
Cite: Dayana Farzeeha Ali and Mohd Safarin Nordin, "Visualization Skills among Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Student," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 371-373, 2012.