DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2012.V2.148
Enemy Character Design for Graphical Imagery Therapy (GIT) Game
Abstract—This paper focuses on designing an enemy character for 3D fighting game environment, played by children suffering from brain tumor, as a therapy tool for healing. The survey was conducted before designing the character for getting idea about children perception of an enemy. Children aged 6-16 were asked to draw enemy characters focusing on what they think about an enemy, its shape and size of body structures. From drawings multiple features were extracted. Majority children drew character shape that has improper and long hands and feet, round shaped eyes and face, mouth with irregular edges. The methodology was devised by merging the extracted elements of the survey and adding shape of deformed blood cell. Final sketched character has tumor shape as the body, having no proper structure unlike a human. It has baggy hands and feet. Round eyes and eyebrows enhanced the feel of anger.
Index Terms—Designing, 3D, feature, enemy character.
S. Sajjad, S. Mohsin, and S. Riaz are with COMSATS Institute of
Information Technology, Pakistan (e-mail:
S. Sajjad and A. H. Abdullah are with University Technology Malaysia,
Cite: Sadaf Sajjad, Sajjad Mohsin, Saba Riaz, and Abdul Hanan Abdullah, "Enemy Character Design for Graphical Imagery Therapy (GIT) Game," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 345-347, 2012.