DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2012.V2.127
Balance and Optimization of Network Load Based on Two-way Feedback Ant Colony Algorithm
Abstract—Two-way feedback ant-colony algorithm is presented which aims at load balance and optimization of network resources management. The interaction and dynamic control among the pheromone of ants enable network traffic to share a number of paths; the algorithm uses ant number to represent the network traffic. The algorithm can expand as two-way feedback ant colony algorithm. When the ant judges pheromone strength of every path,it also considers optional link load conditions,then determines which path to choose, which makes the ants relatively balanced and distributed in optional links. The results of simulation experiment demonstrate that two-way feedback ant colony algorithm has superiority in reducing adaptive time comparing with the original colony algorithm, lowering packet loss rate, and improving the efficiency of load balance.
Index Terms—Two-way feedback ant colony algorithm, ant colony optimization (ACO), network resource optimization, load balancing.
D. Li is with College of Computer and Information Engineering, Xinxiang University, Xinxiang, China.
Cite: Dong Li "Balance and Optimization of Network Load Based on Two-way Feedback Ant Colony Algorithm," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 270-273, 2012.