DOI: 10.7763/IJIET.2012.V2.122
Study of Affordances of iPads and Teachers’ Private Theories
Abstract—Post-PC TouchPad mobile devices are increasingly being used in educational contexts. Growing investment is planned by higher education institutions in Hong Kong and by the HKSAR Education Bureau in relation to educational uses of TouchPad technology. However, current research into educational applications of this technology is limited. This paper reports an ongoing qualitative study that investigates how higher education teachers use iPad technology to facilitate their practice. The emergent study results provide insight into both the educational affordances of iPad technology and the ways in which teachers’ personal or private theories mediate these affordances and transform through the process. The study outcomes will contribute to theoretical understanding of higher education teacher changes through adoption of technology. Furthermore, the outcomes will provide a set of recommendations for applications of TouchPad technology in higher education and ways to support teachers to effectively adopt such technology in their practices.
Index Terms—Mobile Learning, Ipad, Affordances, Teacher Private Theories
D. Churchill, B. Fox, and M. King are with Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong
Cite: Daniel Churchill, Bob Fox, and Mark King, "Study of Affordances of iPads and Teachers’ Private Theories," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 251-254, 2012.