IJIET 2023 Vol.13(11): 1735-1740
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.11.1983
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.11.1983
Applying a Formative Assessment Model for a Blended Learning Environment to Promote Students’ Engagement and Motivation
Thi Phuong Vy Nguyen, Yi-Fang Lee*, Thai Hung Le, and Hoang Bao Ngoc Nguyen
Manuscript received March 10, 2023; revised March 24, 2023; accepted April 10, 2023.
Abstract—With the advancement of blended learning and
learning management systems, online formative assessment
plays a critical role in helping students self-evaluate their
learning progress and performance. However, there is
insufficient research exploring the design of formative
assessments in such settings. This quasi-experimental study
aimed to assess the effectiveness of an online formative
assessment model in a blended learning environment for higher
education students. A total of 271 participants were divided into
two groups: an experimental group with courses following the
proposed assessment model, and a control group receiving
traditional model. A survey was conducted at the end of the
courses to measure students’ motivation and engagement.
Propensity score matching was applied to confirm the sample
balance between groups. Based on the matching findings, 78
students in each group were chosen for further analysis. The
results from a t-test and qualitative data showed that the
proposed assessment model significantly improved students’
motivation and engagement. It highlighted the importance of
designing learning and assessment activities in blended learning
environment. This model is expected to be applied broadly to
test its utility in different majors in higher education.
Index Terms—Blended learning, engagement, formative assessment, motivation
Thi Phuong Vy Nguyen is with the International Doctoral Program in Integrative STEM Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. She is also with the Quality Management Faculty, the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. E-mail: phuongvynt.95@gmail.com (T.P.V.N.)
Yi-Fang Lee is with the Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Thai Hung Le is with the Quality Management Faculty, the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. e-mail: hunglethai82@gmail.com (T.H.L.)
Hoang Bao Ngoc Nguyen is with the Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. E-mail: ngocnhb09@gmail.com (H.B.N.N.)
*Correspondence: ivana@ntnu.edu.tw (Y.F.L.)
Index Terms—Blended learning, engagement, formative assessment, motivation
Thi Phuong Vy Nguyen is with the International Doctoral Program in Integrative STEM Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. She is also with the Quality Management Faculty, the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. E-mail: phuongvynt.95@gmail.com (T.P.V.N.)
Yi-Fang Lee is with the Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.
Thai Hung Le is with the Quality Management Faculty, the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. e-mail: hunglethai82@gmail.com (T.H.L.)
Hoang Bao Ngoc Nguyen is with the Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. E-mail: ngocnhb09@gmail.com (H.B.N.N.)
*Correspondence: ivana@ntnu.edu.tw (Y.F.L.)
Cite: Thi Phuong Vy Nguyen, Yi-Fang Lee*, Thai Hung Le, and Hoang Bao Ngoc Nguyen, "Applying a Formative Assessment Model for a Blended Learning Environment to Promote Students’ Engagement and Motivation," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1735-1740, 2023.
Copyright © 2023 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).