IJIET 2023 Vol.13(11): 1720-1728
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.11.1981
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.11.1981
Development of a Model for Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom via Virtual Learning Community for Instructional Management
Taweewat Watthanakuljaroen
Manuscript received February 27, 2023; revised April 10, 2023; accepted June 13, 2023.
Abstract—In a world that has become digital transformation,
Virtual Learning Communities (VLC) can improve 21st century
teaching and learning by incorporating principles of
globalization and localization. This research aimed to develop a
model for knowledge management of local wisdom via the VLC
for instructional management. The research procedure
comprised three phases: In Phase 1, the sample consisted of 376
primary education teachers obtained by quota sampling. In
Phase 2, the population comprised 12 experts. In Phase 3, the
sample comprised 1) 100 primary education teachers; and 2) 200
Grade 5 students, obtained by multi-stage sampling. Research
data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and
content analysis. Research results were as follows: 1) The
overall state of using local wisdom was rated at the highest level,
and the problem and need for using local wisdom at the high
level 2) Regarding results of the model included three main
elements: 1) the components of the model, which included names,
community members, community activities, knowledge on local
wisdom, supporting technology, factors of knowledge
construction, and measurement and evaluation; and 2) the steps
of the model, which included six steps, namely, preparation for
creating of the VLC, creation of the community, knowledge
creation and storage, creation of a prototype and certifying of
local wisdom knowledge, implementing the prototype in school,
and conclusion and evaluation of knowledge management
results, 3) The topmost 21st century skills of the teacher are local
connections skills, the students are collaboration skills, and the
students had learning achievement significantly at the 0.05 level.
Index Terms—Virtual learning community (VLC), knowledge management, local wisdom, instructional management
Taweewat Watthanakuljaroen is with School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi, Thailand. E-mail: taweewat.wat@stou.ac.th (T.W.)
Index Terms—Virtual learning community (VLC), knowledge management, local wisdom, instructional management
Taweewat Watthanakuljaroen is with School of Educational Studies, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi, Thailand. E-mail: taweewat.wat@stou.ac.th (T.W.)
Cite: Taweewat Watthanakuljaroen, "Development of a Model for Knowledge Management of Local Wisdom via Virtual Learning Community for Instructional Management," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1720-1728, 2023.
Copyright © 2023 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).