IJIET 2023 Vol.13(11): 1696-1703
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.11.1978
doi: 10.18178/ijiet.2023.13.11.1978
Development of Augmented Reality Learning Materials for the Hearing Impaired Students in Primary I
Umaporn Ployjiw and Pasapitch Chujai Michel*
Manuscript received January 20, 2023; revised February 9, 2023; accepted April 3, 2023.
Abstract—There are challenges in the education of students
with hearing impairments, including difficulties in reading and
writing the Thai language due to a lack of appropriate learning
materials. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated
these issues by necessitating the adoption of technology-based
learning methods. In response to these challenges, researchers
have proposed the development of learning materials to support
the education of students with hearing impairments. These
materials will not only benefit the students themselves but also
their parents who may struggle to support their children’s
learning. Furthermore, the use of these materials will
contribute to the promotion of inclusivity and equality in
education. To investigate the effectiveness of Augmented
Reality (AR) books as a learning tool for first-grade students
with hearing impairments in primary education, a study was
conducted with a target group of ten students (whole level) from
Thungmahamek School for the Deaf, selected through stratified
random sampling. The results indicated that the development of
AR-Books had an effectiveness of 85.33/87, with E1 and E2
values exceeding the established standards. In addition,
learning outcomes after using AR-Books were significantly
higher than before the intervention at a statistical significance
level of 0.05. The students’ satisfaction with the use of
AR-Books was also high.
Index Terms—Augmented reality technology, hearing impairments, sign language
The authors are with Electrical Technology Education Department, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. E-mail: umaporn.ployjiw@gmail.com (U.P.)
*Correspondence: pasapitchchujai@gmail.com, pasapitch.chu@kmutt.ac.th (P.C.M.)
Index Terms—Augmented reality technology, hearing impairments, sign language
The authors are with Electrical Technology Education Department, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. E-mail: umaporn.ployjiw@gmail.com (U.P.)
*Correspondence: pasapitchchujai@gmail.com, pasapitch.chu@kmutt.ac.th (P.C.M.)
Cite: Umaporn Ployjiw and Pasapitch Chujai Michel*, "Development of Augmented Reality Learning Materials for the Hearing Impaired Students in Primary I," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 1696-1703, 2023.
Copyright © 2023 by the authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited (CC BY 4.0).